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What are the Best Summer Camps in Los Angeles for 2015?

We get this question a lot: What are the best Los Angeles summer camps for kids?

Well that's not an easy question to answer because identifying the "best" camps is a subjective process.

One camper might think one camp's the best, while another child says the same thing about an entirely different camp. Everyone feels differently and has their own opinions of what makes up the best camp for them.

Every year around this time various lists start appearing all over the internet about "The Best Summer Camps" or Top 10 Los Angeles Summer Camps, etc.

Our best advice is this.

The camps you see appearing on these lists are probably decent programs, otherwise they wouldn't have made the lists in the first place.

So, read through the various descriptions on the lists.

Visit their websites.

Give them a call.

Tour their facilities.

Meet the camp directors.

After all this, chances are you'll have a good feel as to which camp or camps feel right for your child.

And guess what?

If it feels right, presto, you've found the best L.A camp for your child.

We hope you're looking forward to a great time at summer camp in 2015! :)